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Fall Foliage

Serving Waldo County, Maine

The Soap Closet provides personal hygiene products to low-income individuals, families, children, and seniors in Waldo County. These are items that cannot be purchased with SNAP benefits such as dish soap, laundry detergent, deodorant, hand soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper and feminine hygiene products.

We Coordinate with Many
Local Organizations

Instead of distributing supplies to the public directly, The Soap Closet works with multiple organizations in Waldo County that do. We work with each organization and their specific needs, providing them with funding, help sourcing, and (when available) donations that we receive from companies.


Please contact us if your organization would be interested in working with us.

Who We Are

After a decade of dedication and service, the original group of volunteers have passed the torch to a new board, and we are honored to continue the work they started.


Photo: Old and new board members at a gathering in summer 2022


Seated: (Founding board members) Shirley Jarvella, Maggie Reilly, Judy Beebe, Sharron Walsh, Debbie Mitchell


Standing: (Current board members) Meg Reilly, Jana McQuilkin, Kate Forand, Kathleen Dunckel, Amy Arnett, Abby Gilchrist, Susan Woods not pictured


Old and New Members

Donate to The Soap Closet

Our funding comes from grants and individual donations.

Donations can be mailed by check to our address listed below, or online by clicking the donate button which will take you to a secure PayPal checkout.


The Soap Closet is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.


Thank you for supporting The Soap Closet!

Donate with PayPal
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